Maintenance of the HOA Irrigation System

The Homeowners Association (HOA) through the HOA Board of Directors is solely responsible for the maintenance of the HOA irrigation supply system. The HOA shall improve, develop, supervise, manage, operate, examine, inspect, care for, preserve, repair, replace, restore and maintain the HOA irrigation supply system. The Board of Directors has contracted with Delmarva Lawn Care to maintain the irrigation supply system as cited above. Homeowners with concerns regarding the irrigation supply system should contact the Board of Directors at 410-430-9544 or by e-mail at and not Delmarva Lawn Care. 

Early Spring

Start up and check entire irrigation system. The system will be monitored throughout the year.

Late November

Winterization of irrigation system

Board of Directors
January, 2020


The Villages at Sleepy Hollow Community Information

Lawn and Irrigation Maintenance Schedule



  • Will be conducted on Friday of each week starting at 9 a.m. in the common areas and Age Restricted area.    
Commence: April 5th through November 15th 
  • Mowing of pond rims and slopes to be performed on a weekly basis.


  • Plant material will be pruned four (4) times per year or as often as needed to maintain a high degree of appeal. In late fall, the Crape Myrtles will be pruned. 
  •  Plant material pruning completed March 22 | 
  •  Drought & rain delayed July schedule;   Completed August 30  | 
  •  Final pruning pushed to October - November  
Months: March, July, September, and November

Stormwater Management Ponds

  • Weekly cleaning of the Stormwater water grates.

Irrigation System: Early Spring

  • Start up and check entire irrigation system. Monitor system throughout year. 
  • Completed May 2

Mid-March | Early April

  • Application of fertilizer and crabgrass pre-emergent in common areas and Age Restricted area. 
  • Completed March 20 
  • Apply pre-emergent to aid in weed suppression in entrance flower beds and the fronts of homes in Age Restricted area. 
  • Completed    1st Application April 23  |  2nd Application June 3
Additional applications: May and June

Mulching Mid To Late March/Early April

  • Mulching of the trees in the common areas, entrance landscape beds and the fronts of the homes in the Age Restricted area. Includes additional trees along Cross Creek and Bell Creek.
  • Completed March 22


  • Broadleaf weed application in the common and Age Restricted areas.
  • Completed April 23


  • Application of fertilizer and crabgrass post-emergent in common areas and Age Restricted area.
  • Completed June 3
  • Install perennials in the front entrance median after the danger of frost in the entrance flower beds and other impact areas and mulch all entrance landscape beds.
  • Completed as part of Front Entrance Beautification Project May 21


  • Application of crabgrass post-emergent in common areas and Age Restricted area.
  • Completed June 3
  • Bagworm application for the evergreen trees in the common areas -- As Needed Only


·   Apply an application of Solitaire for nutsedge, crabgrass and broadleaf weeds to common areas only in mid-July.
       ·   Delayed due to weather and drought conditions

Additional applications:  Include a second application in late August limited to the common areas only and the entrance to Sleepy Hollow. This includes the common areas along Pemberton Drive, the entrance island and the backs of Sleepy Hollow Drive and Age Restricted common areas only.
  • Weed treatment application for crabgrass and broadleaf weeds. Limited to fronts of Age Restricted properties and common areas at the entrance to the community.
  • Completed September 9 
  • Fall fertilizer application in common areas and Age Restricted area.
  • Completed October 9


  • Winter fertilizer application in common areas and Age Restricted area.
  • Completed November 13

Mid-November/Early December

  • Removal of leaves from Stormwater Management pond slopes and outfall structures.
  • Performed on a weekly basis

Irrigation System: Late November

  • Winterization of irrigation system.
  • Completed November 18


Any homeowner interested in contacting Delmarva Lawn Care, LLC regarding additional lawn maintenance services can call 410-430-4036 between 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.


Sleepy Hollow Home Building Materials Supply Source

Reference Information

The two Sleepy Hollow building contractors utilized the building supply company cited below during the construction of the homes in Sleepy Hollow. This supply company can be contacted for construction material details to include siding, singles, shutters etc. The information needed to make an inquiry of the supply company is the Lot Number and Block reference. The company has maintained the construction material records for the lots in Sleepy Hollow by Lot Number and Block reference. Before the replacement of any original building materials ARB approval must be obtained.

Lansing Building Supplies
6701 Hobbs Road
Salisbury, MD 21804
Tel: (410) 341-4647
Toll Free: (888) 779-9124
Fax: (410) 341-4650