at Sleepy Hollow Architectural Control
Review Board
Section 1.
The Architectural Review Board (ARB) shall have the absolute right to refuse to approve any such plans and specifications, which it deems unsuitable or undesirable, whether based on aesthetic or other reasons. The Architectural Review Board shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all improvement on any portion of the Property (The Village At Sleepy Hollow), except the ARB shall have no jurisdiction over any portion of the Property owned by the Declarant, until such Property has been developed and conveyed to Purchasers in the normal course of development and sale.
Section 2. General Architectural Restrictions
No Record Owner shall construct, reconstruct, install or reinstall any building, porch, deck, fence, driveway, walkway, landscaping, exterior lighting, well or other structure of any kind on any Lot, or make any addition thereto or any change or alteration therein (including any retreatment by painting or otherwise of any exterior part thereof) until plans and specifications showing the nature, kind shape, height, colors, materials, locations, and approximate costs of such building, porch, driveway, walkway, lighting, well, other structure, addition, change or alteration shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the ARB. In so passing upon such plans and specifications, the ARB shall have the right to take into consideration the use and suitability of the proposed building, porch, deck, fence, driveway, walkway, landscaping, lighting, well, other structure, addition, change, or alteration, the location thereof, the materials of which it is to be built or made, and the color and design thereof, with relation to the site which it is proposed to erect or keep the same, harmony with its surroundings, and the effect on the outlook from adjacent or neighboring Lots. If the ARB fails to approve or disapprove any well location, building, porch, deck, fence, driveway, walkway, landscaping, lighting or other structure, or any addition thereto, or change or alteration therein, within sixty (60) days after the plans and specifications therefor, have been submitted to it by the Record Owner, approval will be conclusively presumed so that no further approval will be required for the foregoing and the Record Owner shall be deemed to have fully complied with the requirements established herein.
Section 3. Rebuilding Following Casualty
Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 1 & 2 above:
(a) If any building, porch, deck, fence, driveway, walkway, landscaping, exterior lighting, well, other structure, change or alteration is damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty, such damages or destroyed improvement may be rebuilt without the approval of the ARB, as applicable, provided that such damaged or destroyed improvement is rebuilt substantially in accordance with the plans and specifications used in the original construction of such damaged or destroyed improvement.
(b) If any building, porch, deck, fence, driveway, walkway, landscaping, exterior lighting, well, other structure, change or alteration is damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty, and such damaged or destroyed improvement is not rebuilt substantially in accordance with the plans and specifications used in the original construction of such damaged or destroyed improvement, the Record Owner thereof (unless such Record Owner is the Declarant) shall not rebuild the damaged or destroyed improvement until plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape height, colors, materials, locations and approximate cost of the replacement structure shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the ARB, which shall have the right to refuse to approve any such plans and specifications only if it reasonably determines that such replacement structure is not in substantial conformity with the design or architectural treatment of the other dwellings within the Property (regardless of the method of construction planned for the replacement structure).
(c) If any dispute between a Record Owner, on the one hand, and the Association, the Board of Directors, the ARB or another Record Owner, on the other hand, arises with respect to the interpretation or application of Sections 1, 2 & 3 such dispute shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules (or successor rules) of the American Arbitration Association or any successor thereof. This Agreement to arbitrate and any award resulting there from shall be specifically enforceable in the courts under the laws of Maryland.
Note: In addition to the information cited in section 2 the following supplemental information, if applicable, must also be included in the correspondence to the ARB when requesting approval:
- Miss Utility will be contacted
- Who will be maintaining the object of the requested project
- The impact on the functioning of the irrigation system must be mentioned and how it will be dealt with
Plans must be submitted to the Architectural Review Board for approval via an email or postal mail. Reply to a request will follow according to the method of submission (email or mail). - The email address for submission of plans is
- The mailing address for submission of plans follows:
Architectural Review Board Sleepy Hollow HOA P.O. Box 5004 Salisbury, MD 21802